Schedule Apr 23, 2007
BEC-BCS Crossover, Phase Transitions and Phase Separation in Polarized Resonantly-Paired Superfluids
Daniel Sheehy (Iowa State Univ.)

A number of recent experiments have achieved paired superfluidity of trapped fermionic atomic gases. Such pairing, occurring between twoatomic hyperfine-state species (forming a pseudo-spin-1/2 system), is possible due to the strong attractive interactions provided by a magnetic field tuned Feshbach resonance (FR). At equal populations, the superfluidity of resonantly interacting Fermi gases undergoes the well-studied BEC-BCS crossover as a function of FR detuning (orinteraction strength). I will discuss recent work aimed at understanding the case of unequal populations (i.e., imposed spin polarization), an easily controllable experimental knob that ispredicted to interrupt the continuous equal-population BEC-BCScrossover, yielding a variety of distinct phenomena including regionsof singlet paired superfluid, unpaired polarized normal Fermi liquid,polarized Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superfluid, polarized magnetic superfluid, and phase-separated mixtures of these uniform states.

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