Schedule Nov 08, 2016
Entanglement and spin-motional dynamics with ground state neutral atoms in optical tweezers
Cindy Regal, JILA, NIST, and the University of Colorado

I will discuss our experiments with Raman-cooled neutral atoms in sets of optical tweezers. Recent and future work focuses on the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect with atoms, entanglement via spin exchange, microscopic Kondo lattice physics, and measurement-induced entanglement. I will discuss the implications for microscopic control of larger quantum systems and few-body physics.

Brian J. Lester, Niclas Luick, Adam M. Kaufman, Collin M. Reynolds, and Cindy A. Regal, Rapid Production of Uniformly Filled Arrays of Neutral Atoms Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 073003

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