Schedule Aug 17, 1999
Spectrum of Single-Particle and Collective Low-Energy Excitations and Spontaneous Dimer Order in the J1-J2 Model
Valeri Kotov, (Univ of Florida)
We overview some recent work and present new results on the ground state properties and the spectrum of excitations of the two-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Spontaneous dimer order is present in the quantum disordered phase of this model. We study the stability and analyze the structure of the spectrum, including the two-particle singlet excitation mode throughout the disordered phase, as well as in the vicinity of the Néel critical point. The variation of the dimer order parameter is also given, and it is argued that near the critical point it reflects the presence of the low-energy singlet bound state.
cond-mat/9912228, cond-mat/9907178, cond-mat/9903154

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