Schedule Aug 16, 1999
Frustrated Ising Magnets in a Transverse Field
Roderich Moessner, (Princeton Univ)
The interplay between frustration and quantum mechanics has been a question of considerable interest since the work of Fazekas and Anderson on the triangular lattice antiferromagnet. We study a family of model systems in which one can make considerable progress in studying this interplay: these are Ising models where competing interactions lead to an extensive entropy at zero temperature and quantum mechanics is introduced by switching on a magnetic field transverse to the easy axis. A major theme in this investigation is the phenomenon of quantum fluctuations leading to new types of ordering. These systems provide simple and intuitive realisations of the competing ingredients that control the strength of such an ordering. We identify models in which quantum fluctuations give rise to simple ordering transitions, and others where no ordering seems to occur. We also discuss reformulations of the quantum dynamics in terms of height and dimer representations that provide interesting connections to other physical problems.

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