KITP Program: Active Solids: From Metamaterials to Biological Tissue
(Oct 15 - Dec 20, 2024)
Coordinators: Daphne Klotsa, M. Cristina Marchetti, Anton Souslov, and Daniel Sussman

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Time Speaker Title
10/15-10/18 Conference: The Many Faces of Active Mechanics
10/21, 2:00pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids: Weekly Meet and Greet
10/22, 10:30am Ricard Alert
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS)
Directed motion in active matter: Frictiotaxis and flocking[Slides][Video][CC]
10/23, 1:30pm David Nelson
Harvard University
Tutorial: Polymer Winding Numbers and Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics[Video][CC]
10/24, 10:30am Silke Henkes
Mechanochemical feedback, active T1 transitions and convergence-extension flows[Video][CC]
10/25, 1:30pm Jack Binysh
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Discussion: Animate Materials
10/28, 2:00pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids: Week 2 Meet and Greet
10/29, 10:30am Bulbul Chakraborty
Brandeis University
Emergent Elasticity in Non-Thermal Solids[Video][CC]
10/30, 1:30pm Kinneret Keren
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Marko Popovic
Mechanics of Hydra regeneration[Protected][Video][CC]
10/31, 10:30am Petia Vlahovska
Northwestern University
Active colloidal matter: motile droplets, chaotic flows, melting crystals, and more.[Video][CC]
11/01, 1:30pm Matej Krajnc
Jozef Stefan Institute
Seminar: Mechanics of shape in epithelial monolayers and 3D cell aggregates[Video][CC]
11/04, 12:15pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids[Video]
KITP Blackboard Lunch
11/04, 2:00pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids: Weekly Meet and Greet
11/05, 10:30am Sujit Datta
Growing microbial colonies as active solids[Video][CC]
11/06, 1:30pm Ramin Golestanian
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Discussion: Non-reciprocal active matter
11/07, 10:30am Suropriya Saha
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Multifaceted dynamics in the non-reciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model[Video][CC]
11/08, 1:30pm Suraj Shankar
Tutorial: Topology in active matter[Video][CC]
11/12, 1:00pm Sebastian Diehl
Univ. of Cologne
Universality in driven open quantum matter[Video][CC]
Many-body Quantum Optics pedagogical talk + discussion to foster connections with Active Solids: From Metamaterials to Biological Tissue
11/13, 1:30pm Aashish Clerk
Sebastian Diehl
Discussion: Connections between Many-body Quantum Optics and Active Solids
11/14, 10:30am John Brady
Seminar: Active Particles at Boundaries[Video][CC]
11/15, 10:00am Ananyo Maitra
CY Cergy Paris Université
Flocking: the inconvenient truth
11/15, 1:30pm Demian Levis
University of Barcelona
Seminar: From crystalline to amorphous active solids[Video][CC]
11/18, 2:00pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids: Weekly Meet and Greet
11/19, 10:30am Max Bi
Seminar: Biological Tissues as Active Solids: Emergent Order, Rigidity, and Mechanical Plasticity[Slides][Video][CC]
11/20, 1:30pm Ananyo Maitra
CY Cergy, Paris
Discussion: Elasticity and hydrodynamics of active translation symmetry-broken states
11/21, 10:30am Fridtjof Brauns
Seminar: Control and motility of topological defects in active nematic solids[Slides][Video][CC]
11/22, 1:30pm Rastko Sknepnek
University of Dundee
Tutorial: Simulating Active Matter[Video][CC]
11/25, 2:00pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids: Weekly Meet and Greet
11/26, 10:30am Erwin Frey
LMU, Munich
Seminar: Nonequilibrium Mixtures & Foams[Video][CC]
12/03, 10:30am Michael Moshe
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Seminar: Mechanics of Soft Solids[Video][CC]
12/04, 1:30pm Philip Kurian
Howard University
Seminar: Physarum exploratory morphologies and synchronization indices during biocomputation[Embargoed]
12/05, 10:30am Dominic Vella
Seminar: Shape changes in elastic objects - Slow then fast[Video][CC]
12/06, 1:30pm Julia Yeomans
Discussion: Collective Cell Motility
12/09, 2:00pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids: Weekly Meet and Greet
12/10, 10:30am Michael Murrell
Seminar: Energy partitioning in the Cell Cortex[Embargoed]
12/10, 3:30pm Uwe Thiele
Univ. Münster
Tutorial & Discussion: What are (active) phase-field-crystal models and what can they (not) do?
12/11, 1:30pm Mazi Jalaal
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Discussion: Active solids insides cells
12/12, 10:30am Jacob Notbohm
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Seminar: Orientations of force, shape, and flow in collective cell migration[Video][CC]
12/12, 3:30pm Uwe Thiele
Univ. Münster
Tutorial & Discussion: Chemo-mechanical coupling as gradient dynamics - the case of (sessile) reactive droplets
12/16, 2:00pm Anton Souslov
Active Solids: Weekly Meet and Greet + Discussion
12/17, 10:30am Mattia Bacca
University of British Columbia
Seminar: Chemo-mechanics & Energetics of Active Contraction in Cytoskeletal Gels[Video][CC]
12/18, 1:30pm Zvonimir Dogic
Seminar: Active amphiphiles[Video][CC]
12/18, 3:30pm Sarah Loos
Discussion: Thermodynamic Control
12/19, 10:30am Sebastian Fuerthauer
Vienna University of Technology
Seminar: Synchronization driven flows in bulk and near surfaces[Video][CC]
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