Apr 7, 1999
An Overview of MHD Dynamo Theory
Dr. Eric Blackman, ITP & Caltech
I will discuss how magnetic fields grow in rotating
turbulent systems, distinguishing between the large scale mean field and
small scale turbulent fields. I will explain why this has been an extremely
controversial subject, and what criticisms people have made of mean field
dynamo theory both analytical and numerical over the years. I will address
why existing criticisms can be challenged and why
the mean field dynamo theory will likely survive. Evidence for this in
accretion disc simulations will be discussed. I will also discuss
several ways in which the mean field dynamo might operate
in AGN to produce poloidal fields for jet formation.
http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/astro-ph/9903384, astro-ph/9901098, astro-ph/9810345, astro-ph/9708019, astro-ph/9601142, http://www.its.caltech.edu/~blackman/blackmanpubs.html
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