Mar 23, 1999
Evolution of Black Hole and Related Binaries
Dr. Andrew King, ITP & U-Leicester
I review recent developments in the study of black-hole and related binary
Self-irradiation plays a major role both in determining disc stability and in
form of the outbursts that may result. The high incidence of black-hole systems
soft X-ray transients may reflect the fact that the nature of the central
source can be fundamentally different in a black hole system because of the lack
of a
hard stellar surface. It is not likely that black holes in binaries can be made
to spin rapidly because of accretion of angular momentum. However, efficient
extraction of spin energy would reduce the angular momentum parameter from a ~ M
to small values on a plausible timescale. This effect constitutes a loss of
gravitating mass from the black hole and can afect the evolution of the binary,
possibly reducing the mass transfer rate to the point where the system becomes
transient. Recent work on radiatively driven outflows from accretion discs
suggests that black-hole and neutron-star binaries may avoid common-envelope
evolution even for the very high rates of mass transfer given by
thermal-timescale Roche lobe overflow.
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