We propose to experimentally realize lattice systems of bosons
interacting via an infinite three-body contact repulsion by means of a
proper spin-1 lattice Hamiltonian. Spin degrees of freedom are locally
mapped into occupation numbers of emerging bosons, in a fashion similar
to spin-1/2 and hardcore bosons. Ultracold spin-1 atoms in a Mott
Insulator with filling factor one offer the playground. Combining
bichromatic spin-independent superlattices and Raman transitions, it is
possible to engineer spin-hopping operators breaking the SU(2) symmetry,
i.e. to induce a different hopping rate for each spin orientation as
needed. Finally we show a couple of examples: a pairs quasi-condensate
of bosons induced by correlated hopping and a spin changing fermionic
model useful for lattice gauge theories.