KITP Program on Dynamics of Complex and Macromolecular Fluids (Feb 4 - Jun 28, 2002)
Coordinators: R. Larson, F. MacKintosh, T. McLeish, D. Morse

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Speakers: Please lend your transparencies to the KITP staff members in the front office (Rm 1102) for scanning, or see us about file upload.

Time Speaker Title
2/07, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Tony Maggs
Twist and Writhe of Single Filaments
2/12, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Jens-Christian Meiners
KITP & University of Michigan
Dynamics of Single DNA Molecules[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2/13, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Chris Wiggins
KITP & Columbia University
Semiflexible Polymer Dynamics: elasticity, geometry, constraint[Slides]
2/14, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Tom McLeish
KITP & University of Leeds
An Informal Review of How a Stringy Ensemble Gives Viscoelasticity[Aud][Cam]
2/15, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Christina Marchetti
KITP & Syracuse Univ
Introduction to Flux Lines in Superconductors[Aud][Cam]
2/19, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Jay Tang
KITP & Indiana University
Physical Properties of F-Actin and Filamentous Phages: Phase Transitions, Bundles and Networks of Microscopic Scales[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2/20, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Greg Huber
KITP & U. Massachusetts, Boston
Flip-Flops in Bacterial Flagella[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2/21, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Tanniemola Liverpool
KITP & Imperial College
Viscoelasticity of Filament Motor Mixtures[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2/22, 10:30 a.m. Dr. David Morse
KITP & University Minnesota
Brownian Motion with Constraints[Aud][Cam]
2/26, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Erich Sackmann
KITP & TU Munich
Micromechanics of Cells[Slides][Aud]
2/27, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Paul Janmey
KITP & U. Penn
Flexibility, Self-Interaction, and Counterion-Induced Collapse of Neurofilaments[Slides][Aud]
2/28, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Itamar Borukhov
Linker Assisted Aggregation of Semi-Flexible Polyelectrolytes[Slides][Aud]
3/05, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Christoph Schmidt
Vrije University, Amsterdam
Microrheology of Biopolymers[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3/07, 10:30 a.m. Margaret Gardel, Maria Kilfoil
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure: Actin and Actin/Scruin Networks[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3/12, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Anthony Maggs
A Local Simulation Algorithm for Coulomb Interactions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3/14, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Tom McLeish
KITP & Leeds
Self-Assembled Peptide Tapes as Stiff Biopolymers[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3/19, 10:30 a.m. Dr. S. Hess
KITP & TU Berlin
Flow Properties of Complex Fluids (Results from Kinetic Theory, NEMD Simulations and Experiments)[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3/21, 10:30 a.m. Dr. F. Molino
KITP & U. Montpelier
Shear Banding Phenomena in Ordered Mesophases[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3/26, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Michael Cates
KITP & Edinburg University
3/27, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Jean-Francois Berret
Rheology of Wormlike Micelles[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3/28, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Peter Olmsted
KITP & University Leeds
Phenomenology of Shear Banding[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4/01, 10:30 a.m. Dr. David Pine
UC Santa Barbara
Rheology of Shear-Thickening Micellar Solutions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4/01, 2:00 p.m. Dr. Paul Callaghan
Victoria University of Wellington
What Can NMR Tell Us About Shear Banding and Ordering?[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]
4/02, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Didier Roux
Approaching Simple Chaos in a Complex Fluid[Aud][Cam]
4/03, 10:30 a.m. Discussion Shear Thickening Surfactant Solutions
4/04, 10:00 a.m. Dr. Julia Kornfield
Dr. Jean-Francois Berret
Dr. Francois Molino
Flow and Fracture of Transient Networks[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4/05, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Suzanne Fielding
University Leeds
Early Stages of the Shear Banding Instability in a Shear Thinning Polymer Solution[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4/09, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Carlos Marques
KITP & University Strasbourg
What is in a Pebble Shape[Slides][Aud]
4/16, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Julie Kornfield
Flow-Enhanced Crystallization: The Role of Melt Dynamics[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4/18, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Paul Callaghan
KITP & Victoria University of Wellington
NMR Measurements of Orientation in Flowing Entangled Polymers[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4/22-25 Mini-Workshop Entangled Systems
4/29, 10:00 a.m. Dr. D. Vlassopoulos
Dr. M. Doi
Dr. G. Ianniroberto
Dr. J. Schieber
Stars and Sliplinks[Slides][Aud]
4/30, 10:00 a.m. Dr. G. Leal
Dr. J. Oberhauser
(University Virginia)
Dr. C. Tsenoglou
(National University Athens)
Non-Linear Flow of Solutions: Experiments and Modeling[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/01, 10:00 a.m. Dr. G. Marrucci
Dr. M. Doi
Dr. R. Graham
Convective Constraint Release - Approaches and Results[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/02, 10:00 a.m. Dr. M. Rubinstein
(Chapel Hill)
Dr. M. Wagner
Entanglement-Dominated Rubber Models[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/03, 10:00 a.m. Dr. A. Likhtman
Dr. M. Rubinstein
(Chapel Hill)
Contour Length Fluctuations and Potentials - Many Modes and High Dimensions[Aud][Cam]
5/07, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Daan Frenkel
How "Classical" is Nucleation? A Computer-Simulation Study[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/07, 4:00 p.m. Dr. Ron Larson
University Michigan
Single Molecule Polymer Rheology with Applications to DNA Micro-Processing
5/08, 10:00 a.m. Dr. Scott Milner
Packing'em in: Packing Lengths, M-Sub-things and All That[Aud][Cam]
5/09, 4:00 p.m. Dr. Ron Larson
University Michigan
Predicting the Rheology of Entangled Polymers
5/14, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Ralph Colby
KITP & Penn State University
Rheology of Structured Fluids[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/15, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Wes Burghardt
(KITP & Northwestern University)
Dr. Pat Mather
(KITP & University of Connecticut)
Rheology of Liquid Crystalline Polymers - An Experimental View of Theoretical Needs[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/16, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Jorge Viñals
KITP & Florida State University
Topological Defect Motion and Domain Motion in Mesophases[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/17, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Jimmy Feng
Dr. Giorgia Sgalari
Simulations of Flowing Liquid Crystalline Polymers[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/21, 10:00 a.m. Dr. Shriram Ramaswamy
(KITP & Indian Inst. of Science)
Dr. V. Kumaran
(Indian Inst. of Science)
Rheology of Defect Ridden Lamellar Phases[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/22, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Karen Winey
KITP & University of Pennsylvania
Kink Bands in Block Copolymer Lamellar Phases[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5/23, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Alejandro Rey
KITP & McGill University
Defect Nucleation Dynamics, and Coarsening Rod- and Disk-Like Nematics: Rheology of Liquid Crystalline Polymers - An Experimental View of Theoretical Needs[Slides][Aud][Cam]
6/04, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Gary Grest
KITP & Sandia
Rheology of Dense Granular Flow[Slides][Aud][Cam]
6/04, 4:00 p.m. Dr. Michael D. Graham
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Coherent Flow Structures in Complex Fluids: From Diwhirls to Drag Reduction
6/07, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Maria Santore
University Massachusetts
Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Layers Adsorbed Near Threshold Conditions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
6/11, 10:30 a.m. Dr. V. Kumaran
KITP & Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Vibrated Granular Media[Aud][Cam]
6/13, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Kevin Plaxco
Chemistry, UCSB
My Protein Folds Faster Than Your Protein[Aud][Cam]
6/18, 10:30 a.m. Dr. David Lu
Fluctuation Rheology Using a Polymer[Slides][Aud][Cam]
6/20, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Andrei Dobrynin
University Connecticut
Charged Polymers - The Story So Far[Slides][Aud][Cam]
6/25, 10:00 a.m. Dr. Didier Long
KITP & Saclay
Heterogeneous Nature of the Dynamics Close to the Glass Transition, in the Bulk and in Thin Films[Aud][Cam]