Time |
Speaker |
Title |
10/01, 2:00pm |
All Participants |
Organizational meeting |
10/01, 2:00pm |
All participants |
Organizational meeting |
10/03, 11:00am |
Alexei Kitaev
Caltech & KITP |
Some general questions about SYK-like models[Podcast][Video] |
10/04, 11:00am |
Steve Shenker
Stanford & KITP |
Black holes and random matrices[Podcast][Video] |
10/05, 2:00pm |
Alexander Altland
(ITP, Cologne)
Micha Berkooz
(Weizmann Institute) |
Discussion: Quantum chaos and random matrices[Podcast][Video] |
10/08, 2:00pm |
All participants |
Organizational meeting |
10/09, 10:30am |
Cheng Peng
Brown University & KITP |
N=(0,2) SYK, Chaos and Higher-Spins[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/10, 11:00am |
Dmitry Bagrets
Univ. Cologne |
Goldstone fluctuations in the SYK model[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/12, 2:00pm |
Tarun Grover
An overview of Eigenstate Thermalization[Podcast][Video] |
10/15, 2:00pm |
All participants |
Organizational meeting |
10/16, 10:30am |
Vladi Narovlansky
Weizmann Institute & KITP |
Towards a full solution of large N double-scaled SYK[Podcast][Video] |
10/17, 11:00am |
Cenke Xu
Potential application of SYK physics in condensed matter systems[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/19, 2:00pm |
Josephine Suh
Caltech & KITP |
Quantization of an AdS2 black hole[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/22 12:15pm |
Alexei Kitaev
Caltech & KITP
(De)coherence in scrambling[Podcast][Aud][Cam] KITP Blackboard Lunch |
10/22, 2:00pm |
All participants |
Organizational Meeting |
10/23, 10:30am |
Emil Martinec
U Chicago & KITP |
Little Strings, Long Strings, and Fuzzballs[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/24, 11:00am |
Igor Klebanov
Princeton University |
Introduction to Tensor Models[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/24 7:00pm |
Stephen Shenker
Stanford & KITP
Chaos, Black Holes and Quantum Mechanics[Podcast][Aud][Cam] KITP Public Lecture |
10/25, 2:00pm |
Jorge Kurchan
ENS Paris & KITP |
Glasses and sigma models for the quasi-reparametrization invariance[Podcast][Video] |
10/26, 2:00pm |
Anatoly Dymarsky
Kentucky U & KITP |
Generalized Gibbs Ensemble of 2d CFTs in the thermodynamic limit[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/29, 2:00pm |
All Participants |
Organizational Meeting |
10/30, 10:30am |
Anatoli Polkovnikov
Boston U |
Phase space approach to quantum dynamics and hydrodynamics of interacting quantum systems[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
10/31, 11:00am |
Herman Verlinde
Princeton U |
A 2D perspective on the SYK model[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
11/01, 1:30pm |
Herman Verlinde
Princeton |
Informal discussion: TTbar deformation of CFTs[Podcast][Video] |
11/02, 11:00pm |
Tomer Goldfriend
Jorge Kurchan
ENS Paris |
Almost integrable systems, thermalization and Fluctuation Theorems[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
11/05, 2:00pm |
All participants |
Organizational Meeting |
11/06, 10:30am |
Xi Yin
Harvard |
Revisiting c=1 string theory and its dual matrix quantum mechanics[Podcast][Video] |
11/06, 3:30pm |
Xi Yin
Harvard |
discussion on Liouville theory |
11/07, 11:00am |
Kristan Jensen
SF State & KITP |
Quantum gravity in three dimensions and coadjoint orbits[Podcast][Video] |
11/07, 3:30pm |
Douglas Stanford
informal discussion on SYK[Podcast][Video] |
11/08, 2:00pm |
Emil Martinec
U. Chicago & KITP |
discussion on extremal horizons[Podcast][Video] |
11/09, 2:00pm |
Eric Perlmutter
Caltech |
On Regge Trajectories in Conformal Field Theory[Podcast][Video] |
11/12, 2:00pm |
All Participants |
Organisational Meeting |
11/13, 10:30am |
Raghu Mahajan
Princeton & KITP |
Does the SYK model have a spin glass phase?[Podcast][Video] |
11/14, 11:00am |
Marika Taylor
Edgar Shaghoulian
(Cornell) |
Discussion on TTbar[Podcast][Video] |
11/14, 3:30pm |
Henry Maxfield
Universal gravitational physics from the bootstrap |
11/16, 2:00pm |
Alejandra Castro
Amsterdam & KITP |
5D rotating black holes and the nAdS2 /nCFT1 correspondence[Podcast][Video] |
11/19, 2:00pm |
All Participants |
Organizational Meeting |
11/20, 10:30am |
Ahmed Almheiri
Discussion on models of state-dependent reconstruction of the black hole interior[Podcast][Video] |
11/21, 11:00am |
Yingfei Gu
Harvard & KITP |
On the relation between the magnitude and exponent of OTOCs[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
11/26, 2:00pm |
All Participants |
Organizational Meeting |
11/27, 10:30am |
David Simmons Duffin
Caltech & KITP |
Light-ray operators in CFT[Podcast][Video] |
11/28, 11:00am |
Donald Marolf
Gravitational Perspectives on Traversable Wormholes[Podcast][Video] |
11/29, 1:30pm |
Mukund Rangamani
UC Davis & KITP |
Discussion on an effective field theory for hydrodynamics[Podcast][Video] |
11/30, 2:00pm |
Beni Yoshida
Perimeter Inst. & KITP |
Hayden-Preskill protocol with conserved quantities[Podcast][Video] |
12/03 12:15pm |
Douglas Stanford
The SYK model, two-dimensional gravity, and wormholes[Podcast][Aud][Cam] KITP Blackboard Lunch |
12/03, 2:00pm |
All Participants |
Organizational meeting |
12/04, 10:30am |
Zhenbin Yang
Gustavo Turiaci
(UCSB) |
Gravitational Dynamics of near-Nariai Black Holes in dS[Podcast][Video] |
12/05, 11:00am |
Lara Faoro
Derivation of combustion waves-like evolution of OTOC in simple quantum many-body solid state systems and its limitation[Podcast][Video] |
12/07, 2:00pm |
Subir Sachdev
Harvard & KITP |
Universal theory of complex SYK models and extremal charged black holes[Slides][Podcast][Video] |
12/10-14 |
Conference: |
Order from Chaos |
12/17, 2:00pm |
All Participants |
Organizational meeting |
12/18, 11:00am |
Douglas Stanford
Discussion on double-scaled SYK[Podcast][Video] |
12/19, 11:00am |
All Participants |
Discussion: Operator growth, etc.[Podcast][Video] |
12/20, 11:00am |
All Participants |
Discussion: Tachyon condensation, SYK wormholes, EP=EPR etc[Podcast][Video] |
12/21, 11:00am |
All Participants |
Discussion: Ideas from BFSS (Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind matrix model)[Podcast][Video] |