KITP Program: Globular Clusters at the Nexus of Star and Galaxy Formation
(Mar 30 - May 29, 2020)
Coordinators: Oleg Gnedin, Aaron Romanowsky, and Laura Sales
Scientific Advisors: Nate Bastian, Andrey Kravtsov, and Eric Peng

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Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Time Speaker Title

Week 1: Massive star cluster formation and evolution at low and high redshifts
4/27, 8:00am Oleg Gnedin
4/27, 8:00am Nate Bastian
Resolved massive cluster formation at low and high redshift[Slides][Video]
4/27, 8:30am Hui Li
Modeling massive cluster formation in galactic contexts[Video]
4/27, 9:00am All Participants Open Discussion[Protected][Video]
4/27, 9:30am All Participants Working Group Planning[Protected][Video]
5/01, 8:00am All Participants Working Group Reports[Protected][Video]
5/01, 8:30am All Participants Open discussion and next week planning[Protected][Video]

Week 2: Globular cluster formation in a cosmological context
5/04, 8:00am Oleg Gnedin
Current models for globular cluster formation throughout cosmic time[Slides][Video]
5/04, 8:30am Xiangcheng Ma
Resolving star cluster formation in cosmological simulations[Slides][Video]
5/04, 9:00am All Participants Open Discussion[Protected][Video]
5/04, 9:30am All Participants Working Group Planning[Protected][Video]
5/08, 8:00am All Participants Working Group Reports[Protected][Video]
5/08, 8:30am All Participants Open discussion and next week planning[Protected][Video]

Week 3: Observable signatures of proto-GC formation: JWST, reionization, etc.
5/11, 8:00am Rychard Bouwens
Leiden Obs.
Observational Probes of Small Star-Forming Systems in the Distant Universe: Current and Future Prospects[Slides][Video]
5/11, 8:30am Massimo Ricotti
Formation of Proto-globular Clusters in the First Galaxies: Impact on Reionization, JWST Observations and Near-field Cosmology[Slides][Video]
5/11, 9:00am All Participants Open Discussion and Group Organization[Protected][Video]
5/15, 8:00am All Participants Working Group Reports[Protected][Video]
5/15, 8:30am All Participants Open discussion and next week planning[Protected][Video]

Week 4: Scaling relations of local globular cluster systems
5/18, 8:00am Michael Hilker
Globular clusters scaling relations - An observational perspective[Slides][Video]
5/18, 8:30am Mike Beasley
Globular clusters system trends with halo mass[Video]
5/18, 9:00am All Participants Open Discussion and Group Organization[Protected][Video]
5/22, 8:00am All Participants Working Group Reports[Protected][Video]
5/22, 8:30am All Participants Open discussion and next week planning[Protected][Video]

Week 5:
5/26, 8:00am Anil Seth
Connections Between Nuclear Star Clusters, Globular Clusters, and Intermediate Mass Black Holes[Slides][Video]
5/26, 8:30am Aaron Romanowsky
The Dense and the Fluffy: Globular Clusters and Ultracompact Dwarfs in Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies[Video]
5/26, 9:00am All Participants Open Discussion and Group Organization[Protected][Video]
5/29, 8:00am All Participants Working Group Reports[Protected][Video]
5/29, 8:30am All Participants Open discussion[Protected][Video]
5/29, 9:00am All Participants Program Summary[Protected][Video]

6/01, 12:15pm Diederik Kruijssen
Heidelberg University
The Origins of Globular Clusters across Cosmic Time[Podcast][Audio][Cam]
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