KITP Program: Dark Matter Theory, Simulation, and Analysis in the Era of Large Surveys
(May 20 - Jul 12, 2024)
Coordinators: Kimberly Boddy, Vera Gluscevic, Ferah Munshi and Annika Peter
Scientific Advisors: Jo Dunkley, Tim M. P. Tait, and Risa H. Wechsler

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Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Time Speaker Title
7/12, 10:00am Vera Gluscevic
Conclusion of the program
7/11, 10:00am Xiaolong Du
Tidal evolution of cored and cuspy dark matter halos[Slides][Video][CC]
7/10, 10:00am Adam He
S8 Tension in the Context of Beyond-CDM Models[Embargoed]
7/09, 10:00am Simeon Bird
UC Riverside
New Lyman-alpha Analysis with PRIYA simulations[Slides][Video]
7/08, 2:30pm All participants welcome to the last week of the program
7/05, 10:00am Flip Tanedo
UC Riverside
Direct Collapse Black Holes from Dark Matter Annihilation[Slides][Video][CC]
7/03, 10:00am Yao-Yuan Mao
Finding Nearby Low-mass Galaxies: The SAGA Survey and Beyond[Slides][Video][CC]
7/02, 10:00am Ryan Keeley
UC Merced
Strongest gravitational lensing limit on the dark matter free streaming length with JWST[Video][CC]
7/01, 2:30pm All participants
Weekly meet and greet
6/28, 10:00am Nora Shipp
Disrupting Satellites Across Simulations[Video][CC]
6/27, 10:00am Robyn Sanderson
Creating synthetic resolved-star surveys with ananke[Video][CC]
6/26, 10:00am Adrienne Erickcek
UNC Chapel Hill
Extracting the expansion history from the matter power spectrum[Video]
6/25, 10:00am Nicolas Garavito-Camargo
Flatiron Institute
Wakes as probes of Dark Matter[Slides][Video][CC]
6/20, 10:00am Nathan Musoke
Do predictions for ultralight axion-like dark matter change in light of the axiverse?[Slides][Video][CC]
6/18, 10:00am Mariangela Lisanti
The DREAMS Project: Accounting for Uncertainties in Baryon and Dark Matter Physics in Hydrodynamical Simulations[Video][CC]
6/17, 12:15pm Ethan Nadler
Carnegie Observatories
Dark Matter Physics in the Sky[Video]
KITP Blackboard Lunch
6/14, 10:00am Tracy Slatyer
21cm as a probe for decaying dark matter[Video][CC]
6/13, 10:45am Carton Zeng
Ohio State
SIDM subhalos and satellite galaxies: evolution and diversity[Slides][Video][CC]
6/13, 10:00am Daneng Yang
UC Riverside
How well do we have gravothermal phases in self-interacting dark matter halos?[Slides][Video][CC]
6/12, 10:00am Isabel Santos Santos
ICC Durham
The Radial Distribution of Galactic Satellites: A Probe for Dark Matter[Video][CC]
6/11, 10:00am Elisabeth Krause
Weak lensing with O(1) galaxies[Slides][Video][CC]
6/10, 2:30pm darkmatter24 workshop darkmatter24: weekly kick-off meeting
6/03-6/06 Conference: Cosmic Signals of Dark Matter Physics: New Synergies
5/31, 10:00am Subhajit Ghosh
UT Austin
Cosmological case study of a tower of neutrino states[Slides][Video][CC]
5/30, 10:00am Ana Bonaca
Constraining the nature of dark matter with stellar streams[Video][CC]
5/29, 10:00am Sophia Lilleengen
Stellar streams and basis function expansions as dark matter probing tools[Video][CC]
5/28, 2:30pm All Participants Weekly meet and greet
5/24, 10:00am Carlo Giocoli
Bologna Obs.
Mass Distribution in Galaxy Clusters: from Simulations to Stage-4 Surveys[Video][CC]
5/23, 3:30pm Vera Gluscevic
"Hack" session
5/23, 10:00am Rui An
Interacting light thermal-relic dark matter: self-consistent cosmological bounds[Video]
5/22, 10:00am Yuhsin Tsai
U of Notre Dame
Dark Matter-Radiation Scattering Enhances CMB Acoustic Phase Shift.
5/21, 10:00am Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
U of New Mexico
Imprints of Standard Model processes on the matter fluctuation spectrum[Video][CC]
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