Time |
Speaker |
Title |
5/09, 10:30am |
Dean Lee
Michigan State University/Facility for Rare Isotope Beams |
Few- and Many-Body Systems near Unitarity[Slides][Video][CC] |
5/10, 10:30am |
Doerte Blume
University of Oklahoma |
Small atomic quantum systems with large s-wave scattering length[Slides][Video][CC] |
5/11, 1:30pm |
All Participants |
Discussion: Efimov trimers & tetramers in different settings |
5/12, 10:30am |
Pascal Naidon
Few- and many-body physics of two-component systems[Slides][Video][CC] |
5/13, 1:30pm |
Tobias Frederico
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica |
Discussion: Correlations in many-body systems induced by universal few-body systems |
5/16, 10:30am |
Giuseppina Orlandini
Univ. of Trento |
Exploring universality with a many-body energy density functional[Slides][Video][CC] |
5/16, 11:30am |
Winfried Leidemann
Univ. of Trento |
Resonances in Few-Particle Systems[Slides][Video][CC] |
5/17, 10:30am |
Raul Briceno
Old Dominion Univ. |
Few-body hadronic resonances in lattice QCD[Slides][Video][CC] |
5/18, 1:30pm |
Paul Julienne
Maryland |
Discussion: Molecular interactions and reactions for diatomics and triatomics[Slides] |
5/19, 10:30am |
Peter Schmelcher
Hamburg |
Correlation effects in the nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of trapped finite atomic mixtures[Video][CC] |
5/19, 11:30am |
Simeon Mistakidis
Harvard/ITAMP |
Correlated dynamics of polaronic excitations, magnetic properties and quantum droplets[Video][CC] |
5/20, 1:30pm |
Nathan Harshman (American University)
Michael Higgins (Purdue University)
Chris Greene (Purdue University) |
Discussion: (1) Reduced dimensions; (2) Efimov physics for identical fermions |
5/23-26 |
Conference: |
Opportunities and Challenges in Few-Body Physics: Unitarity and Beyond |
5/27, 9:30am |
All Participants |
Discussion: led by Alejandro Kievsky and Chris Greene, Tetraneutron and other controversial subjects |
5/31, 10:30am |
Jaume Carbonell
IPN Orsay |
Ultra low-energy scattering of protons from the hydrogen atom[Slides][Video][CC] |
5/31, 11:30am |
Rimas Lazauskas
IPHC Strasbourg |
Low-energy antiproton scattering on the simplest atoms and nuclei[Video][CC] |
6/01, 1:30pm |
Alejandro Saenz
Humboldt University, Berlin |
Resonances in few-body systems: examples from trapped ultracold atoms, beta decay, and matter-antimatter systems[Video][CC] |
6/02, 10:30am |
Pierre Capel
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
A few-body treatment of reactions on halo nuclei[Slides][Video] |
6/02, 1:30pm |
Alejandro Kievsky
University of Pisa |
Discussion: moving outside the window of universality |
6/03, 2:00pm |
Doerte Blume
Oklahoma |
Few-Body Universality: What Do We Mean by this and Why Do We Care?[Video]
KITP Blackboard Lunch |
6/06, 10:30am |
Sebastian Koenig
North Carolina State University |
Few-nucleon systems expanded around unitarity[Slides][Video][CC] |
6/06, 11:30am |
Lorenzo Contessi
IJC Lab, Orsay |
Many-fermion systems around unitarity[Slides][Video][CC] |
6/07, 10:30am |
Hans-Werner Hammer
Technical University, Darmstadt |
Unparticle physics and universality[Video][CC] |
6/08, 1:30pm |
Harald Griesshammer
George Washington University |
Discussion: how close is nuclear physics to the unitarity limit? |
6/09, 10:30am |
Jan-Michael Rost
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden |
Probing the ionization threshold by ambient matter of increasing density[Video][CC] |
6/09, 11:30am |
Jan-Michael Rost
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden |
The thermodynamic limit of the hydrogen atom: can a Rydberg electron undergo Anderson localization ? |
6/10, 1:30pm |
Alejandro Saenz
Humboldt University, Berlin |
Discussion |
6/13, 10:30am |
Daniel Odell
Ohio University |
Effective Theories for van der Waals Systems[Slides][Video][CC] |
6/13, 11:30am |
Victor Colussi
INO-CNR BEC Center and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Trento |
Three-body collisions of ultracold atoms: From van der Waals universality to quantum droplets[Slides][Video][CC] |
6/14, 10:30am |
Qingze Guan
University of Oklahoma |
Two- and Three-Body Systems with Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling[Slides][Video][CC] |
6/14, 11:30am |
Colm Whelan
Old Dominion University |
Competing few body effects in electron and positron impact ionization[Video][CC] |
6/15, 1:30pm |
Daniel Phillips
Ohio University |
Informal Discussion |
6/16, 10:30am |
Guillaume Hupin
IJC Lab, Orsay |
Precision calculations for nuclear reactions: selected examples[Video][CC] |
6/16, 11:30am |
Chloe Hebborn
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
From ab initio to few-body description of reactions involving loosely-bound nuclei[Video][CC] |
6/17, 1:30pm |
All Participants |
Informal Discussion |