This information may be incomplete due to visits not yet confirmed.
| Name | Room | Phone | Email | Arrive | Depart |
Kanoda, Kazushi | 2323 | -6350 | | 13-Aug-12 | 17-Aug-12 | |
White, Steven | 2512 | -6302 | srwhite | 12-Aug-12 | 17-Aug-12 | |
Lee, Seunghun | 2411 | -6373 | | 12-Aug-12 | 18-Aug-12 | |
Starykh, Oleg | 2411 | -6373 | starykh | 11-Aug-12 | 24-Aug-12 | |
Hermele, Mike | 2409 | -6314 | hermele | 12-Aug-12 | 25-Aug-12 | |
Georges, Antoine | 2403 | -6387 | georges | 8-Aug-12 | 31-Aug-12 | |
Kim, Yong Baek | 2407 | -6326 | ybkim | 19-Aug-12 | 31-Aug-12 | |
Ran, Ying | 2407 | -6326 | ran | 12-Aug-12 | 31-Aug-12 | |
Sondhi, Shivaji | 2409 | -6314 | sondhi | 11-Aug-12 | 31-Aug-12 | |
Capponi, Sylvain | 2403 | -6387 | capponi | 12-Aug-12 | 1-Sep-12 | |
Misguich, Gregoire | 2403 | -6387 | misguich | 11-Aug-12 | 1-Sep-12 | |
Kaul, Ribhu | 1506 | -6345 | rkk | 1-Aug-12 | 3-Sep-12 | |
Poilblanc, Didier | | | poilblanc | 12-Aug-12 | 4-Sep-12 | |
Todadri, T. Senthil | 2508 | -6319 | senthil | 12-Aug-12 | 5-Sep-12 | |
Assaad, Fakher | 2504 | -6317 | assaad | 13-Aug-12 | 7-Sep-12 | |
Khatami, Ehsan | 2301 | -6370 | khatami | 20-Aug-12 | 7-Sep-12 | |
Rigol, Marcos | 2331 | | mrigol | 13-Aug-12 | 7-Sep-12 | |
Wang, Fa | 2504 | -6317 | fwang | 12-Aug-12 | 7-Sep-12 | |
Chernyshev, Sasha | 2512 | -6302 | sasha | 19-Aug-12 | 8-Sep-12 | |
Onoda, Shigeki | 2510 | -6362 | onoda | 13-Aug-12 | 8-Sep-12 | |
Singh, Rajiv | 2508 | -6319 | rsingh | 12-Aug-12 | 8-Sep-12 | |
Vishwanath, Ashvin | 2327 | -6374 | ashvinv | 12-Aug-12 | 8-Sep-12 | |
Zhang, Guang-Ming | 2504 | -6317 | gmzhang | 12-Aug-12 | 8-Sep-12 | |
Zhou, Yi | 2506 | -6318 | yizhou | 12-Aug-12 | 8-Sep-12 | |
Chandran, Anushya | 2406 | -6386 | achandr | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Sep-12 | |
Thompson, Lara | 2508 | -6319 | lthomps | 12-Aug-12 | 9-Sep-12 | |
Troyer, Matthias | none | | troyer | 3-Sep-12 | 14-Sep-12 | |
Oshikawa, Masaki | 1211 | -6366 | oshikawa | 22-Aug-12 | 15-Sep-12 | |
Paramekanti, Arun | 2114 | -6338 | arun | 26-Aug-12 | 15-Sep-12 | |
Kim, Bumjoon | 2326 | -3457 | | 16-Sep-12 | 18-Sep-12 | |
Mila, Frederic | 2504 | -6317 | mila | 10-Sep-12 | 21-Sep-12 | |
Nagaosa, Naoto | 2506 | -6318 | nagaosa | 13-Sep-12 | 21-Sep-12 | |
Nahum, Adam | 2406 | -6386 | nahum | 4-Sep-12 | 21-Sep-12 | |
Nussinov, Zohar | 2508 | -6319 | zohar | 9-Sep-12 | 21-Sep-12 | |
Vishveshwara, Smitha | 1209 | -6365 | smivish | 1-Sep-12 | 21-Sep-12 | |
Bergman, Doron | 1225 | -6330 | dbergman | 4-Sep-12 | 22-Sep-12 | |
Parameswaran, Siddharth | 2114 | -6338 | parames | 26-Aug-12 | 22-Sep-12 | |
Wu, Congjun | 1225 | -6330 | wucj | 3-Sep-12 | 22-Sep-12 | |
Chalker, John | 1227 | -6322 | chalker | 3-Sep-12 | 28-Sep-12 | |
White, Steven | 2115 | -6357 | srwhite | 24-Sep-12 | 28-Sep-12 | |
Normand, Bruce | 2506 | -6318 | normand | 10-Sep-12 | 29-Sep-12 | |
Auerbach, Assa | 2114 | -6338 | auerbach | 25-Sep-12 | 7-Oct-12 | |
Brenig, Wolfram | 2403 | -6387 | brenig | 14-Sep-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Broholm, Collin | 2403 | -6387 | cbroholm | 6-Oct-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Coldea, Radu | 2506 | -6318 | rcoldea | 29-Sep-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Datta, Trinanjan | 2313 | -6340 | tdatta | 1-Oct-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Lindner, Netanel | 2508 | -6319 | nlindner | 24-Sep-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Motrunich, Lesik | 2328 | | | 17-Sep-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Mourigal, Martin | 2320 | -6336 | mourigal | 22-Sep-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Vidal, Guifre | 2114 | -6338 | vidal | 24-Sep-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Vishwanath, Ashvin | 2510 | -6362 | ashvinv | 1-Oct-12 | 12-Oct-12 | |
Cépas, Olivier | 1224 | -6398 | cepas | 4-Sep-12 | 13-Oct-12 | |
Jackeli, George | 2328 | | jackeli | 16-Sep-12 | 13-Oct-12 | |
Lai, Hsin-Hua | 2504 | -6317 | hlai | 9-Sep-12 | 13-Oct-12 | |
Lu, Yuan-Ming | 2403 | -6387 | yuanming | 16-Sep-12 | 13-Oct-12 | |
Podolsky, Daniel | 2508 | -6319 | podolsky | 17-Sep-12 | 13-Oct-12 | |
Tsunetsugu, Hiro | 2115 | -6357 | tsunets | 30-Sep-12 | 13-Oct-12 | |
Wessel, Stefan | 2320 | -6336 | wessel | 22-Sep-12 | 13-Oct-12 | |
Moessner, Roderich | 2504 | -6317 | moessner | 24-Sep-12 | 14-Oct-12 | |
Wen, Xiao-Gang | 2326 | -3457 | wen | 8-Oct-12 | 17-Oct-12 | |
Becca, Federico | 1224 | -6398 | becca | 2-Sep-12 | 19-Oct-12 | |
White, Steven | 2323 | -6350 | srwhite | 7-Oct-12 | 19-Oct-12 | |
Kim, Yong Baek | 1209 | -6365 | ybkim | 7-Oct-12 | 20-Oct-12 | |
Melko, Roger | 2506 | -6318 | rgmelko | 24-Sep-12 | 22-Oct-12 | |
Mendels, Philippe | 2313 | -6340 | | 20-Oct-12 | 24-Oct-12 | |
Valentí, Roser | 2330 | -6349 | valenti | 7-Oct-12 | 24-Oct-12 | |
Damle, Kedar | 1209 | -6365 | damle | 8-Oct-12 | 26-Oct-12 | |
Lhuillier, Claire | 2108 | -6342 | lhuillier | 29-Sep-12 | 28-Oct-12 | |
Ong, N.Phuan | 2115 | -6357 | | 28-Oct-12 | 1-Nov-12 | |
Haque, Masud | 1228 | -7310 | haque | 22-Oct-12 | 2-Nov-12 | |
Liu, Vincent | 1225 | -6330 | vliu | 8-Oct-12 | 2-Nov-12 | |
Manmana, Salvatore | 1227 | -6322 | manmana | 8-Oct-12 | 2-Nov-12 | |
Weng, Zheng-Yu | 2324 | -6314 | weng | 7-Oct-12 | 2-Nov-12 | |
Bieri, Samuel | 2406 | -6386 | bieri | 24-Sep-12 | 3-Nov-12 | |
Khomskii, Daniel | 2116 | -6334 | khomskii | 7-Oct-12 | 3-Nov-12 | |
Papic, Zlatko | 2508 | -6319 | papic | 6-Oct-12 | 3-Nov-12 | |
Shannon, Nic | 2323 | -6350 | nshannon | 7-Oct-12 | 5-Nov-12 | |
Thomale, Ronny | 2510 | -6362 | thomale | 7-Oct-12 | 5-Nov-12 | |
Ziman, Tim | 2510 | -6362 | ziman | 10-Sep-12 | 6-Nov-12 | |
Pepin, Catherine | 2508 | -6319 | catherin | 18-Oct-12 | 8-Nov-12 | |
Balents, Leon | 2315 | -6381 | balents | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Clark, Bryan | none | | bclark | 27-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Grover, Tarun | 2118 | -6325 | grover | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Hormoz, Sahand | 2001 | -6321 | hormoz | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Jiang, Hong-Chen | 1114 | -6323 | jiang | 17-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Kumano, Yuta | 2506 | -6318 | kumano | 15-Oct-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Li, Yi | 1115 | -6331 | yili | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Moon, Eun-Gook | none | -3888 | emoon | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Mross, David | 1115 | -6331 | mross | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Ostlund, Stellan | 2320 | -6336 | ostlund | 21-Oct-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Petrova, Olga | 2406 | -6386 | petrova | 8-Oct-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Potter, Andrew | 2406 | -6386 | potter | 13-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Serbyn, Maksym | 2406 | -6386 | serbyn | 4-Sep-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Wan, Yuan | 2406 | -6386 | ywan | 8-Oct-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Xu, Cenke | 1205 | -6364 | xu | 27-Aug-12 | 9-Nov-12 | |
Chen, Gang | 2331 | | | 25-Aug-12 | 10-Nov-12 | |
Eremin, Ilya | 1224 | -6398 | eremin | 23-Oct-12 | 10-Nov-12 | |
Lee, Patrick | 2512 | -6302 | palee | 12-Aug-12 | 10-Nov-12 | |
Läuchli, Andreas | 2117 | -6361 | | 29-Oct-12 | 10-Nov-12 | |
Oshikawa, Masaki | 2504 | -6317 | oshikawa | 14-Oct-12 | 10-Nov-12 | |
Hanke, Werner | 2325 | -6368 | hanke | 9-Oct-12 | 12-Nov-12 | |
Yao, Hong | 2504 | -6317 | yao | 17-Oct-12 | 13-Nov-12 | |