Atto-physics is an emerging field whose goal is to probe and control
matter on its natural time scale. For electronic motion in atoms,
molecules, and solids this is measured in attoseconds (= 10-18 sec,
or one millionth of one millionth of one millionth of a second).
Improvements in laser and optical technologies have enabled
experimentalists to produce pulses of light whose durations are
measured in attoseconds. Such pulses have opened new avenues for
studying not only the time domain, but also spatial scales smaller
than molecular and even atomic dimensions. They promise a revolution
in our knowledge and understanding of matter, and, in the near
future, our ability to control matter on the scale of atoms.
Anthony F. Starace researches theoretical atomic-molecular-optical
(AMO) physics, in particular attosecond physics, intense laser-atom
interactions and ultrafast molecular and atomic processes. After a
B.S. degree at Columbia College, he earned graduate degrees at the
University of Chicago, and went on to postdoctoral studies at
Imperial College, London. He is currently the George Holmes
University Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the
University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Among his honors, he is a Fellow
of the American Physical Society, and of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science. He also dabbles in the applied
physics of racquet sports, such as squash and badminton -- another
arena where timescales between exchange interactions are ultrashort.
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