KITP Online Conference: Unconventional Magnetism
and Novel Probes in Heterostructures

(Oct 5-6, 2020)
Coordinators: Zhu-Xi Luo, Urban Seifert, and Ruben Verresen

Conference Overview | talks | PodcastXML | Schedule

Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Monday, Oct 05, 2020

Session I - Magnetism in vdW heterostructures, Chair: Urban Seifert (ENS Lyon)

8:00am Roser Valenti
(Goethe University of Frankfurt)
The many faces of alpha-RuCl3/graphene heterostructures[Video]
8:45am Dahlia R. Klein (MIT) Magnetism in the ultrathin Chromium Trihalides[Slides][Video]

Session II Probing magnetism and magnons in vdW bilayers, Chair: Ruben Verresen (Harvard)

10:00am Di Xiao (CMU) Stacking Domain Wall Magnons in Twisted van der Waals Magnets[Slides][Video]
10:45am Yaroslav M. Blanter (TU Delft) Topological valley transport of magnons in 2D vdW magnets[Slides][Video]

Tuesday, Oct 06, 2020

Session I Moiré magnetism, Chair: Zhu-Xi Luo (UCSB)

8:00am Kin Fai Mak (Cornell Univ.) Magnetism in semiconductor moiré superlattices[Slides][Video]
8:45am Ya-Hui Zhang (Harvard) Electrical detection of spin liquids in double moiré layers[Slides][Video]

Session II New avenues to the detection of topological phases, Chair: Ruben Verresen (Harvard)

10:00am Johannes Knolle (TUM) Anomalous quantum oscillations in alpha-RuCl3/graphene heterostructures[Slides][Video]
10:45am David Aasen (KITP) Electrical probes of the non-Abelian spin liquid in Kitaev materials[Video]