Schedule Jul 18, 2017
Hund Interaction, Spin-Orbit Coupling, and the Mechanism of Superconductivity in Strongly Hole-Doped Iron Pnictides
Oskar Vafek, Florida State & KITP

I will present a novel mechanism of s-wave pairing in Fe-based superconductors. The mechanism involves holes near dxz/dyz pockets only and is applicable primarily to strongly hole doped materials.I will argue that as long as the renormalized Hund's coupling J exceeds the renormalized interorbital Hubbard repulsion U', any finite spin-orbit coupling gives rise to s-wave superconductivity. This holds even at weak coupling and regardless of the strength of the intraorbital Hubbard repulsion U. The transition temperature grows as the hole density decreases. The pairing gaps are fourfold symmetric, but anisotropic, with the possibility of eight accidental nodes along the larger pocket. The resulting state is consistent with the experiments on KFe2As2.

OV and A.V. Chubukov PRL 118, 087003 (2017)

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