While over the past years considerable progress has been made in the microscopic
understanding of extremal black holes, the fundamental description of non-extremal black
holes such as the Schwarzschild solution remains an open question. A first step towards
addressing this problem, is to understand the physics of near-extremal microstates which,
as I will show, can be constructed from metastable supertubes in extremal microstate
geometries of opposite charge. To establish the existence of these configurations far away
from extremality and to see whether the same mechanism can be used to construct
Schwarzschild microstates, it is necessary to understand the backreaction of the
metastable supertubes which turns out to be a challenging problem. Moreover, the
backreaction of anti-branes on a variety of supergravity backgrounds has revealed the
appearance of puzzling flux singularities. In light of the difficulties in understanding
the fate of these metastable configurations at strong coupling, one may ask whether there
is another avenue to pursue. I will discuss how metastability can be studied at weak
coupling by the quiver quantum mechanics approach and present a surprising preliminary