Electrons in graphene behave like relativistic, Dirac Fermions, permitting phenomena in high energy physics to be studied in a solid state setting. A key question is whether these fermions are noninteracting, or if their properties are critically influenced by Coulomb correlations. We performed inelastic x-ray scattering experiments on single crystals of graphite, and applied state-of-the-art reconstruction algorithms to image the dynamical screening of a point charge in an isolated, graphene sheet. We found that an electron in graphene is dressed by cloud of charge, approximately 1 nm in size, that arises from two van Hove singularities residing beyond the Dirac spectrum. This cloud renormalizes the electron charge to e*=(0.070+/-0.043)e, and the fine structure constant to 0.15+/-0.092. Our result explains the absence of correlation anomalies in several spectroscopic experiments, and suggests that correlations have a weak influence on long-wavelength phenomena, such as the transport of current in zero magnetic field.