The role of Coulomb correlations in LaFeAsO is studied by
generalizing exact diagonalization dynamical mean field
theory to five orbitals [1]. For rotationally invariant Hund
coupling a spin freezing transition from a paramagnetic
Fermi-liquid to a non-Fermi-liquid metallic phase is found
at U = 3 eV, J = 0.75 eV. For Ising exchange, this transition
occurs at about U = 2 eV.
The correlation-induced scattering rate as a function of
doping relative to half-filling, delta=n/5-1, where n=6 for
the undoped material, is shown to be similar to the one in
the two-dimensional single-band Hubbard model.
In this scenario, the parent Mott insulator of LaFeAsO is
the half-filled n=5 limit, while the undoped n=6 material
corresponds to the critical doping region delta_c ~ 0.2 in
the cuprates, on the verge between the Fermi-liquid phase
of the overdoped region and the non-Fermi-liquid pseudogap
phase in the underdoped region.
[1] H. Ishida and A. Liebsch, Phys. Rev. B 81, xxx (2010).