Monday, Oct 21
1:30pm Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond Simons Amphitheater
All participants (NA)
Meet & Greet
Tuesday, Oct 22
10:00am Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond Simons Amphitheater
Yafis Barlas (U. of Reno)
The role of quantum geometry on pairing and superconducting fluctuations in flat bands
11:00am Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond Simons Amphitheater
Enrico Rossi ((William and Mary U.))
Exciton condensate in double twisted bilayer graphene
Wednesday, Oct 23
1:30pm Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond Simons Amphitheater
Thursday, Oct 24
10:00am Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond Simons Amphitheater
Nicolas Regnault (Flatiron Institute)
Some updates about moiré fractional phases
11:00am Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond Simons Amphitheater
Yi Li (Johns Hopkins U.)
Three-dimensional Landau levels