Aug 3, 2000
Thermal Energy and R-Mode Evolution
Bernard Schutz (Max-Planck, Gravity)
Discussions of r-mode spindown generally assume that the effect
of the back-reaction on the star as it loses energy and angular
momentum will be to spin the star down, so that we will always
be dealing with an approximately axisymmetric equilibrium star
with a small-ish r-mode perturbation. I examine the conditions
on energy and angular momentum loss that are required for the
existence of such a sequence of "background" axisymmetric models,
and show that they require the viscous energy dissipation rate to be
tied to the angular momentum loss rate in a particular way. It
follows that this is not likely to happen, that spindown will
be more complicated. I speculate on what might happen. One
path would be that the system evolves into one that is stationary
in a rotating frame. I show how to calculate the angular velocity
of this frame from the viscous dissipation rate.
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