1/27, 2:30pm |
Carl E. Fields
(Michigan State University)
Next-Generation Simulations of The Remarkable Deaths of Massive Stars[Slides][Video] |
3/29, 2:30pm |
Samantha O'Sullivan
(Harvard University)
Se diffusion into SrTiO3 substrate in monolayer FeSe/SrTiO3[Slides][Video] |
4/29, 1:00pm |
Morgane König
(UC Davis)
A theory of Hybrid monodromy inflation with two fields[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
6/30, 2:30pm |
Nico Cooper
(Northwestern) |
String Theory without Really Trying: Integrated Correlators in N=4 SO(2N) Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory[Slides][Video] |
8/31, 2:30pm |
James Gates
(Brown University)
Genomics, Networks, And Computational Conces For Polytopic SUSY Representation Theory[Slides][Video][CC] |
9/30, 2:30pm |
Caprice Phillips
(The Ohio State University)
Detecting Biosignatures in the Atmospheres of Gas Dwarf Planets with the James Webb Space Telescope[Slides][Video][CC] |
10/22, 2:30pm |
Richard Anantua
(CfA - Harvard & Smithsonian & BHI - Harvard University)
Towards Event Horizon Scale Physics from Movies and Polarization Maps[Slides][Video][CC] |
12/01, 2:30pm |
Caleb Levy
Multicomponent multiscatter caure of dark matter[Slides][Video] |