This review will focus on the use of the dynamics of observed comets to
provide clues to the properties of the cometary reservoirs from which
they come. The properties of the reservoirs can in turn be used as clues
to planetary formation processes in the outer solar system.
Particular attention will be paid to the Trans-Neptunian scattered disk (SD).
It will be shown that the observed properties of the SD are consistent with
those predicted for the remnants of a population of planetesimals scattered
by Neptune during outer planet formation in the early solar system. Such an SD
will be shown to be the plausible source not only of Jupiter Family comets and
Centaurs, but also of Halley-type comets (which were previously thought to
originate in the Oort cloud). Recent simulations of the dynamical
clearing of planetesimals to form the Oort cloud will also be reviewed, as
will the challenges faced in understanding the properties of the Oort cloud.
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