KITP Public Lectures
- Living in the Matrix: Recent Advances in Understanding Quantum Spacetime
Clifford V. Johnson, UC Santa Barbara (Apr 24)
- The Search for Quantum Gravity
Shiraz Minwalla, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (Feb 23)
- Why Face Masks Work
Eberhard Bodenschatz, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (Oct 22)
- Lessons From Other Viruses: How Pandemics Start and End
Richard Neher, University of Basel (Apr 22)
- Stars: The Ultimate Laboratory For Modern Physics
Pascale Garaud, UC Santa Cruz (Apr 22)
- Where Does Matter That Falls into a Black Hole Go?
Carlo Rovelli, Aix-Marseille University (Jun 21)
- Ted Jacobson, University of Maryland
The Radiant Universe: The Story of Electromagnetic Waves (Oct 20)
- K. Birgitta Whaley, UC Berkeley
The Renaissance of Quantum Biology (Jun 20)
- Cumrun Vafa, Harvard & KITP
The String Landscape, the Swampland, and Our Universe (Feb 20)
- Jairo Sinova, Johannes Gutenberg Univ. of Mainz and KITP
From Magnetic Cats to Artificial Intelligence: The Circular Technological Revolution of Spintronics (Oct 19)
- Raman Sundrum, University of Maryland & KITP
Fundamental Physics and the Fifth Dimension (Jul 19)
- Wojciech Zurek, Los Alamos National Laboratory & KITP
Quantum Theory of the Classical (May 19)
- Marc Mezard, École Normale Supérieure Paris & KITP
Artificial intelligence: success, limits, myths and threats (Jan 19)
- Stephen Shenker, Stanford Univ. & KITP
Chaos, Black Holes and Quantum Mechanics (Oct 18)
- Stephen Belcher, Chief Scientist of the UK Meteorological Office & KITP
New Challenges for Climate Science Following the Paris Agreement (May 18)
- Asimina Arvanitaki, Perimeter Institute & KITP
Novel Directions in the Search for New Physics (Apr 18)
- Sidney Nagel, Univ. of Chicago & KITP
Impact and Intrusion(Feb 18)
- Leon Balents, KITP
Yzurdiaga Chair Inauguration: Magical Magnetism & Other Strange Stuff(Nov 17)
- A. James Hudspeth, Rockefeller University & KITP
How Hearing Happens(Jun 17)
- Saul Teukolsky, Cornell University
Black Holes and Gravitational Waves -- Was Einstein Right?(May 17)
- Nigel Goldenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Beyond Chaos: The Continuing Enigma of Turbulence(Feb 17)
- Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics & KITP
Realizing Feynman's Dream of a Quantum Simulator(Sep 16)
- Zvi Bern, UCLA & KITP
Do I have to draw you a diagram? A tale of quantum gravity(Apr 16)
- Curt Callan, Princeton & KITP
The Biological Future of Theoretical Physics(Feb 16)
- Andreas Kronfeld, Fermilab & KITP
Weight, Weight... Do Tell Me!: QCD and the Origin of Mass(Sep 15)
- Conny Aerts, Universities of Leuven & Nijmegen & KITP
Starquakes and Exoplanets in the Milky Way(Feb 15)
- Joe Polchinski, KITP
Spacetime versus the Quantum -- Faculty Research Lecture(Dec 14)
- R. Shankar, Yale University
From zero to c in 60 minutes -- A crash course in Einstein's relativity(Dec 14)
- Brad Marston, Brown University
The Quantum Physics of Global Warming(Jun 14)
- Cristina Marchetti, Syracuse University
The Physics of Flocking(May 14)
- Theo Geisel, Max Planck Institute
Rhythms & Algorithms ~ Physics and Music(Feb 14)
- Stuart Parkin, IBM Almaden Research Center
The Spin on Electronics! -- The nanoscience and nanotech of spin currents(Nov 13)
- Eric Wieschaus, Princeton Univ.
On Growth & Form of the Embryo: From Gene Expressions to Tissue Mechanics(Jul 13)
- Joe Polchinski, KITP
Gravity and Quantum Mechanics - The Quest for Unification(Mar 13)
- Daniel Fisher, Stanford University
Can Evolution Be Understood Quantitatively?(Jan 13)
- Leo Kouwenhoven, Delft Univ. of Technology
Particle Physics On a Chip: the Search for Majorana Fermions(Dec 12)
- Diana Kormos Buchwald, Caltech
Worshipped Today, Scorned Tomorrow...: Albert Einstein and the Perils of Public Engagement(Mar 12)
- Sean Hartnoll, Stanford University
From String Theory to Exotic Materials and Back Again(Oct 11)
- Edward van den Heuvel, University of Amsterdam
Life After Stellar Death: Supernovae, Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Black Holes(Mar 11)
- Benjamin Monreal, UCSB
How Bad is the Reactor Meltdown in Japan?(Mar 11)
- Bonnie Bassler, Princeton University
How Bacteria Talk to Each Other(Jan 11)
- William Phillips, NIST
Time, Einstein and the Coolest Stuff in the Universe(Oct 10)
- Adam Burrows, Princeton University
The New Century of Exoplanets(Apr 10)
- Paul Nurse, Rockefeller University
The Great Ideas of Biology(Feb 10)
- Nima Arkani-Hamed, Institute for Advanced Study
Exploring the Dark Universe(Dec 09)
- Maria Spiropulu, CERN & Caltech
The Universe in Collisions(May 09)
- Sankar Das Sarma, University of Maryland
Quantum Reality(Feb 09)
- Michael Freedman, Microsoft Station Q
Topology, Physics, and Complexity: The Birthing of the Quantum Computer(Nov 08)
- Robbert Dijkgraaf, University of Amsterdam
Mathematics and the Quantum Universe(Jul 08)
- Sam Wang, Princeton Univ
Welcome to Your Brain: Why You Lose Your Car Keys but Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life(Apr 08)
- W. Patrick McCray, UCSB
Citizen-Scientists and the Dawn of the Space Age(Jan 08)
- Nathan Lewis, Caltech
Challenges for Global Energy(Dec 07)
- Robert Kirshner
Einstein's Blunder Undone: The Discovery of Cosmic Acceleration(Apr 07)
- Julian Nott
Intellectual Courage and Scientific Ballooning-- Exploring Landscapes Near & Far(Feb 07)
- Dr. Alain Karma, Northeastern
Bringing Order to Chaotic Hearts(Jul 06)
- Dr. John Preskill, Caltech
Putting Weirdness to Work: Quantum Information Science(May 06)
- Sir Michael Atiyah, University of Edinburgh
The Nature of Space(Oct 05)
- Dr. Daniel McCleese, NASA/JPL
The Search for Habitable Environments in the Solar System(Jul 05)
- Dr. Lawrence Badash, UCSB
Albert Einstein the Peacenik(Apr 05)
- Dr. Arnold Levine, IAS
Genetic Predispositions for Cancers in Humans(Feb 05)
- Dr. William Bialek, Princeton University
From photons to perception: A physicist looks at the brain(Sep 04)
- Dr. Charles Beichman, JPL/Caltech
Finding Planets and Searching for Life: Worthy Goals for 21st Century Science(Mar 04)
- Jean-Pierre Hébert, KITP
The Interplay Between Art and Physics: Altering Perceptions of Reality(Sep 03)
- Dr. Arnold Levine, IAS
The Human Genome Project, Where Do We Go From Here?(Jun 03)
- Dr. Boris Kayser, Fermilab
Neutrinos Get Under Your Skin(Apr 03)
- Shing-Tung Yau, Harvard
Geometry: Its Charm and Application(Mar 03)
- John Grunsfeld, NASA
New Eyes for Space Exploration: Upgrading the Hubble Telescope(Oct 02)
- Frank Wilczek, MIT
The World's Numerical Recipe(Apr 02)
- Don Eigler,
Building Things with Atoms: A Report from the Small Frontier (Dec 01)
- Geoffrey Marcy,
You Say You Want a Revolution: Planetary Systems Different from our Own (Oct 01)
- Melissa Franklin,
This Particular Elegant Universe: How Do We Measure It? (Jan 01)
- Steven Girvin,
Mr. Feynman's Quantum Mechanics: A Field Guide for Curious Characters (Nov 00)
- James Hartle,
The Future of Gravity (Apr 00)
- Peter Galison,
Einstein's Clocks: High Theory and Lowly Technology (Nov 99)
- Roger Penrose,
Science and the Mind (May 99)
- Kip Thorne,
Spacetime Warps and the Quantum: A Glimpse of the Future (Feb 99)
- Wolfgang Ketterle,
A New Form of Matter: Bose-Einstein Condensation and the Atom Laser(Mar 98)
- Edward Witten,
Duality, Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics(Jan 98)
- Robert Kirshner,
Taking the Measure of the Universe: How Big? How Old? How Do We Know? (Nov 97)