Schedule Aug 20, 2012
Topology in Superposition
Wojciech Zurek (LANL)

I shall discuss several recent results, including: [1] non-local superposition of topological defects – a “Schrödinger kink” in a quantum Ising model; [2] decoherence caused by an ongoing phase transition; [3] miscibility-immiscibility quantum phase transition in a BEC and; [4] winding number generation in a superfluid phase transition.


[1] Topological Schrödinger cats: Non-local quantum superpositions of topological defects
Jacek Dziarmaga, Wojciech H. Zurek, Michael Zwolak Nature Physics 8, 49 (2012)

[2] Critical dynamics of decoherence
Bogdan Damski, H. T. Quan, Wojciech H. Zurek
Phys. Rev. A83: 062104 (2011)

[3] Phase separation and pattern formation in a binary Bose-Einstein condensate
Jacopo Sabbatini, Wojciech H. Zurek, Matthew J. Davis
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 230402 (2011)

[4] Winding up superfluid in a torus via Bose Einstein condensation
Arnab Das, Jacopo Sabbatini, Wojciech H. Zurek
Scientific Reports 2, Article number 352 (2012)
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