Most stars -- and hence most solar systems -- form within groups and
clusters. This talk explores how these star forming environments
affect the solar systems forming within them. The discussion starts
with the dynamical evolution of young clusters with N = 100 - 1000
members. We use N-body simulations to study how evolution depends on
system size and the initial conditions. Multiple realizations of
equivalent cases (100 simulations per case) are used to build up a
robust statistical description of these systems, e.g., distributions
of closest approaches and distributions of radial locations. These
results then provide a framework from which to assess the effects of
clusters on solar system formation. The distributions of radial
positions are used in conjunction with FUV luminosity distributions to
determine the radiation exposure of circumstellar disks.
Photoevaporation calculations then determine the efficacy of radiation
in removing gas from the systems (resulting in loss of planet forming
potential). The distributions of closest approaches are used in
conjunction with scattering cross sections (calculated from 100,000
numerical experiments) to determine the probability of solar system
disruption. The main result of this work is a quantitative
determination of the effects of clusters on forming solar systems.
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