Schedule Sep 15, 2016
Scrambling or Preserving Quantum Information with Cold Atoms and Light
Monika Schleier-Smith, Stanford University

When a qubit falls into a black hole, the information is rapidly "scrambled," i.e., entangled with the black hole.s many internal degrees of freedom. Scrambling is a manifestation of many-body quantum chaos, suggesting that strongly interacting quantum systems realizable in table-top experiments might offer insight into the dynamics of quantum information in black holes. I will describe a general experimental protocol for measuring scrambling, applicable to quantum simulations of a variety of spin models that can be engineered with neutral atoms in optical cavities, Rydberg-dressed atoms, or trapped ions. Common to all these systems is a means of "reversing time" by switching the sign of a many-body Hamiltonian. This key ingredient of our protocol is enabled by optically controlled spin-spin interactions. I will explain how such interactions are realized in cold-atom experiments and touch on broader prospects for harnessing them to access new many-body phenomena, including Floquet symmetry-protected topological phases of Rydberg-dressed atoms.

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