KITP Program: Probing Effective Theories of Gravity in Strong Fields and Cosmology
(Aug 17 - Sep 4, 2020)
Coordinators: Cora Dvorkin, Ira Rothstein, and Thomas Sotiriou
Scientific Advisors: Alessandra Buonanno, Pedro Ferreira, and Steve Giddings

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Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Time (PDT) Speaker Title
03/02 12:15pm Cliff Burgess
McGill University
From Levity to Gravity: EFTs for Black Holes, Neutron Stars, and Cosmology [Video]
KITP Blackboard Lunch

9/04, 9:00AM All Participants Spin Hour Breakout Sessions
9/04, 8:00AM Alessandra Buonanno (AEI)
Pedro Ferreira (Oxford)
Smadar Naoz (UCLA)
Mark Trodden (Univ. of Penn)
Discussion Session 3[Video]
9/03, 8:00AM Daniel Holz
(U. Chicago)
Future observation in strong gravity and cosmology[Video]
9/02, 8:00AM Tessa Baker
Suvodip Mukherjee
Gravitational Waves and Cosmology[Video]
9/01, 8:00AM Dimitrios Psaltis
Event Horizon Telescope[Video]
8/31, 8:30AM Will Farr
LVC review and recent results[Slides][Video]
8/31, 8:00AM All Participants Meet & Greet Session 3[Protected][Video]
Week 3 (Aug 31 - Sep 4) Mixing Scales and Combining Observation

8/28, 9:00AM All Participants Spin Hour Breakout Sessions
8/28, 8:00AM Cliff Burgess (McMaster/PI)
Maria Okounkova (Flatiron)
Frans Pretorius (Princeton)
Leonardo Senatore (Stanford)
Discussion Session 2[Video]
8/27, 8:00AM Luis Lehner
(Perimeter Inst.)
Helvi Witek
(Univ. of Illinois)
Numerics beyond GR[Slides][Video]
8/26, 8:00AM Emanuele Berti
(Ole Miss)
Aaron Zimmerman
QNMs, EMRIs and EFT[Video]
8/25, 8:00AM Cliff Cheung
EFT and amplitudes for inspiral modelling[Video]
8/24, 8:30AM Zvonimir Vlah
Cosmological perturbations: EFT and non-EFT approaches[Video]
8/24, 8:00AM All Participants Meet & Greet Session 2[Protected][Video]
Week 2 (Aug 24-28) Modelling Gravity at Different Scales

8/21, 9:00AM All Participants Spin Hour Breakout Sessions
8/21, 8:00AM Steve Giddings (UCSB)
Ted Jacobson (Maryland)
Rachel Rosen (Columbia)
Nico Yunes (Univ. of Illinois)
Discussion Session[Video]
8/20, 8:00AM Lam Hui
Light dark matter and compact objects[Video]
8/19, 8:00AM Andrea Maselli
Univ. of Rome
Neutron stars in and beyond GR[Slides][Video]
8/18, 8:00AM Enrico Barausse
Black holes beyond General Relativity[Slides][Video]
8/17, 8:30AM Walter Goldberger
EFT for classical and quantum black hole horizons[Video]
8/17, 8:00AM All Participants Meet & Greet Session[Protected][Video]
Week 1 (Aug 17-21) The Nature and Properties of Compact Objects

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