KITP Conference: Interfaces and Mixing in Fluids, Plasmas, and Materials
(Oct 23-26, 2023)
Coordinators: Snezhana I. Abarzhi, William A. Goddard III, and Katepalli Sreenivasan

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Monday, Oct 23, 2023

Session (Interfaces and Mixing - Theory), Chair: Ethan Vishniac (Johns Hopkins)

8:50am Lars Bildsten (KITP) Welcome[Video]
9:00am Snezhana I. Abarzhi (U. Western Australia) Introduction from Coordinators[Slides][Video][CC]
9:15am David Campbell (BU) The metastable state of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou problem[Slides][Video][CC]
9:40am Xi Chen (Beihang U) Unbounded wall turbulence induced by inverse cascade [Slides][Video][CC]
10:05am Alex Klimenko (The U of Quuensland) Would mixing be any different in a remote part of the universe?[Video][CC]

Morning Break

Session (Fluids - Turbulence and Turbulent Mixing), Chair: Chihiro Matsuoka (Osaka Municipal U)

11:00am James Glimm (Stony Brook) Smooth solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equation[Slides][Video][CC]
11:30am Kartik Iyer (Michigan Tech) Scaling characteristics of hydrodynamic turbulence[Video][CC]
12:00pm Alexander Migdal (NYU) Exact solution of decaying turbulence[Video][CC]


Session (Fluids - Turbulence, Turbulent Mixing, and Interfacial Mixing), Chair: Snezhana Abarzhi (U. Western Australia)

2:00pm Sreeni Katepalli Sreenivasan (NYU) Turbulent convection at very high Rayleigh numbers and the weakly nonlinear theory by Herring, Busse and others [Video][CC]
2:30pm Peter Vorobieff (UNM) Interfacial instability as a single- and multiphase phenomenon[Slides][Video][CC]
3:00pm William Irvine (U Chicago) Weaving tangled vortex webs: vortex knots, conservation of helicity and turbulent blobs[Embargoed]

Afternoon Break

Session (Plasmas - Canonical, Astrophysical, High Energy Density), Chair: Paul Bellan (Caltech)

3:50pm Ken Hara (Stanford) Instabilities and non-classical transport in partially-ionized, partially-magnetized plasmas[Video][CC]
4:15pm Bryce Barclay (Arizona State) Vectorial EM signal reconstruction in stochastic, inhomogeneous media and optimal observation times[Slides][Video][CC]
4:40pm Amita Das (IIT Delhi) Magnetic turbulence in high intensity laser produced plasmas[Video][CC]
5:05pm Drummond Fielding (Flatiron) How rapid radiative cooling controls astrophysical turbulent mixing layers [Video][CC]


Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023

Session (Materials - Interfacial Processes and Reactive Dynamics), Chair: William Goddard (Caltech)

9:00am Anastassia Alexandrova (UCLA) Interfacial fluxionality in electrocatalysis: the ever-changing nature of the active site [Video][CC]
9:25am Al Fortunelli (CNR) ML-accelerated DFT sampling of catalytic processes at heterogeneous interfaces [Video][CC]
9:50am Adri Van Duin (Penn State U) Atomistic-scale simulations of realistic, complex, reactive materials: the ReaxFF method, its applications and recent developments for plasma simulations [Video][CC]
10:15am Akihiro Morita (Tohoku U) Microscopic mechanisms of ion transport and reactions at liquid-liquid interface[Video][CC]

Morning Break

Session (Materials and Plasmas - Matter at the Extremes), Chair: Richard Sydora (U. Alberta)

11:00am Frank Graziani (LLNL) Shock physics in warm dense matter: A quantum hydrodynamics perspective[Slides][Video][CC]
11:30am Vasily Zhakhovsky (Joint Inst. for High Temperatures, Academy of Sciences) Shock-induced melting and crystallization in titanium irradiated by ultrashort laser pulse[Slides][Video][CC]
12:00pm Hiroshi Azechi (Osaka U) Integral model of Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities in inertial fusion plasmas[Video][CC]


Session (Interface Dynamics and Kinetics - Theory and Simulations), Chair: Hiroshi Azechi (Osaka U)

2:00pm William Goddard (Caltech) Reactive dynamics simulations at interfaces between solid and liquid materials: successes and difficulties[Slides][Video][CC]
2:45pm Snezhana Abarzhi (U. Western Australia) Interface dynamics in ideal and realistic fluids[Slides][Video][CC]

Afternoon Break

Session (Plasmas - Astrophysics and Magneto-hydrodynamics), Chair: Peng Oh (UCSB)

3:50pm Bob Fisher (UMass Dartmouth) Turbulent detonation in type Ia supernovae[Slides][Video][CC]
4:15pm David Hosking (Princeton) Metastability of MHD atmospheres and their relaxation[Video][CC]
4:40pm Michael Zingale (Stony Brook) Convective mixing in stellar reactive flows[Video][CC]
5:15pm Ethan Vishniac (Johns Hopkins) Magnetic field transport in thin accretion disks[Slides][Video][CC]






Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023

Session (Fluids - Turbulence and Turbulent Mixing), Chair: Kartik Iyer (Michigan Tech)

9:00am Toshiyuki Gotoh (Nitech) Spectrum of passive scalar variance with inherent time scale in turbulence[Slides][Video][CC]
9:25am Lipo Wang (Univ.of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong U Joint Inst.) Structure of turbulence based on multi-level extremal points[Slides][Video][CC]
9:50am Yuli Chashechkin (Ishlinsky Inst. for Problems in Mechanics, Academy of Sciences) Inseparable actively interacting waves, vortices and ligaments in a new mechanism for densities of miscible liquids, gases or plasma equalizing[Slides][Video][CC]
10:15am Sergey Chefranov (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) A new precise analytical solution to the main turbulence problem[Slides][Video][CC]

Morning Break

Session (Fluids - Instabilities and Interfacial Mixing), Chair: James Glimm (Stony Brook)

11:00am Marcus Herrmann (Arizona State) A dual-scale LES model for sub-filter dynamics of immiscible interfaces[Video][CC]
11:30am Chihiro Matsuoka (Osaka Metropolitan U) Nonlinear interaction of vortex sheets in multi-interface Kelvin-Helmholtz, Rayleigh-Taylor, and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities[Slides][Video][CC]
12:00pm Snezhana Abarzhi (U. Western Australia) Fluid instabilities and interfacial mixing[Slides][Video][CC]


Session (Interfaces in Fluids, Plasmas, Materials - Experiment), Chair: William Irvine (U Chicago)

2:00pm Mark Schlossman (UIC) Ion-extractant complexation and transport near liquid-liquid interfaces in solvent extraction processes[Video][CC]
2:30pm Dan Ilyin (Stanford) Interfaces and mixing in three-dimensional micro-printing technology[Video][CC]
3:00pm Richard Sydora (U. Alberta) Experiments and simulation of the turbulent mixing between multiple spinning magnetized plasma pressure filaments[Video][CC]

Afternoon Break

Session (Interface Dynamics - Numerical Modeling), Chair: Marcus Herrmann (Arizona State)

3:50pm Stanley Osher (UCLA) In-Context Operator Networks (ICON): Towards Large Scientific Learning Models[Slides][Video][CC]
4:15pm Alexei Chekhlov (Dassault Systemes) Lattice Boltzmann model in general curvilinear coordinates applied to exactly solvable 2D flow problems[Slides][Video][CC]
4:40pm Thomas Hou (Caltech) Potentially singular behavior of 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes[Slides][Video][CC]
5:05pm Tulin Kaman (U Arkansas) Recent advancements in front-tracking based Rayleigh-Taylor simulations[Slides][Video][CC]






Thursday, Oct 26, 2023

Session (Fluids - Realistic Environments), Chair: Tulin Kaman (U of Arkansas)

9:00am Guido Boffetta (U Turin) Rayleigh-Taylor mixing in porous media[Video][CC]
9:25am Alexander Nepomnyashchy (Technion) Marangoni convection in solutions[Video][CC]
9:50am Daniela Tordella (Polito) Super-saturation of turbulent fluctuations in atmospheric cloud-environmental air unsteady interfaces[Slides][Video][CC]
10:15am Juan Lopez (Arizona State) Mixing and transport of dissolved CO2 in water by a rotating knife edge[Slides][Video][CC]

Morning Break

Session (Fluids and Materials - Instabilities and Interfacial Processes), Chair: Akihiro Morita (Tohoku U)

11:00am Aurora Clark (Utah) Geometric and topological descriptors of the organization and dynamics at soft-matter interfaces[Slides][Video][CC]
11:30am Benjamin Doughty (Oak Ridge NL) Liquid/liquid interfaces at and away from equilibrium[Video][CC]
12:00pm Yasuhide Fukumoto (Kyushu U) Effect of compressibility on Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities[Slides][Video][CC]

Lunch Break

Session (Plasmas and Fluids - Astrophysics and Magneto-hydrodynamics), Chair: David Campbell (BU)

2:00pm Peng Oh (UCSB) Turbulent mixing layers in multi-phase gas[Slides][Video][CC]
2:30pm Simon Bolanos (UCSD) Laboratory study of the initial stages of quasi-parallel collisionless shocks at high Alfven Mach number using high-power lasers[Video][CC]
3:00pm Paul Bellan (Caltech) Experimental observation of cascade of qualitatively different plasma instabilities[Video][CC]

Afternoon Break

Session (Fluids - Numerical Modeling of Realistic Environments), Chair: Mark Schlossman (UIC)

4:00pm Josette Bellan (Caltech) Characteristics of multi-species mixing in high-pressure turbulent flow from direct numerical simulations[Video][CC]
4:25pm Timothy Wallstrom (LANL) Estimating reaction rates from models of variable-density turbulent flow[Slides][Video][CC]
4:50pm Alan Kerstein (Stochastic Sciences Inc.) Investigations of turbulence-modulated interfaces using a stochastic model[Slides][Video][CC]
5:15pm Snezhana I. Abarzhi (U. Western Australia), William A. Goddard III (Caltech) Summary from Coordinators[Slides][Video][CC]

CONFERENCE END SHUTTLE TO BWSCI *Also available to SB Airport and SB Airbus, Goleta location. (See Registration Desk BEFORE THURSDAY to sign up.)

Asynchronous Talks

WH Ronald Chan (Stanford U) Theory and simulations of scale-dependent Rayleigh-Taylor dynamics
Gui-Qiang George Chen (Oxford U) Compressible Discontinuities and Free Boudary Problems
Li-Jen Chen (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) Turbulence and magnetic reconnection in star wind-magnetosphere interaction
Prabir Daripa (Texas A&M) Model and effect of nonuniform mixing on polymer flooding
Desmon L Hill (U of Western Australia) An analysis of the buoyancy and drag parameters in Rayleigh-Taylor dynamics
Olivier Hurisse (Electricite de France) A stochastic scheme for front tracking on unstructured meshes[Slides]
Luca Huysmans (U of Cambridge) Non-uniqueness and Inadmissibility of the Vanishing Viscosity Limit of the Passive Scalar Transport Equation.
Connor H Hwang (Stanford U) Scale-dependent Rayleigh-Taylor dynamics with variable acceleration in a finite-sized domain for three-dimensional flows
Yong Ji (Harbin Institute of Technology) MMS observations of magnetic field geometric structures in turbulent magnetosheath
Edgar Knobloch (U of California, Berkeley) Triply periodic fixed flux convection
J Tony Li (U of Western Australia) Fluid dynamics mathematical aspects of supernova remnants
Xiaolin Li (Stony Brook U) Front Tracking and Application to Parachute Simulation in Turbulent Flow
Alex Mahalov (Arizona State U) Vectorial EM Propagation Governed by the 3D Stochastic Maxwell Vector Wave Equation in Stratified Turbulent Interface Layers in Ionosphere
Mahendra K Verma (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) Variable Energy Flux in Turbulence
Bruno D Welfert (Arizona State U) Interface and mixing in a stably stratified tilted square cavity
Kurt C Williams (U of Western Australia) Fluctuations spectra in Rayleigh-Taylor mixing
Cameron E Wright (U of Western Australia) Effect of adiabatic index on Richtmyer-Meshkov flows induced by strong shocks
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