Tuesday, Apr 2, 2024 |
8:50am |
Mark Bowick (KITP) |
Welcome[Video] |
9:00am |
Eva Silverstein (Stanford) |
Algorithmic proposal for a timelike-boundary dual of dS_3 with matter[Slides][Video][CC] |
9:45am |
Sameer Murthy (King's College London) |
Gravitational index of the heterotic string[Slides][Video][CC] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Jacob McNamara (Caltech) |
Cobordism, ER = EPR, and the Sum Over Topologies[Slides][Video][CC] |
11:45am |
Victor Rodriguez (Princeton) |
The Virasoro Minimal String[Slides][Video][CC] |
12:30pm |
2:00pm |
Scott Collier (CTP) |
A new 2d string theory/matrix model duality[Video][CC] |
2:45pm |
Naomi Gendler (Harvard) |
The String Axiverse: Axion-photon couplings and universality[Video][CC] |
3:30pm |
4:00pm |
Ashoke Sen (ICTS) |
Supersymmetric index of small black holes[Slides][Video][CC] |
4:45pm |
Jonathan Sorce (MIT) |
Comments on black hole entropy in Lorentz signature[Slides][Video][CC] |
5:30pm |
Wednesday, Apr 3, 2024 |
9:00am |
Juan Maldacena (IAS) |
Three point amplitudes + Soft theorems in the BFSS matrix model[Slides][Video][CC] |
9:45am |
Chi Ming Chang (Tsinghua U) |
Black Holes from Supercharge Cohomology[Slides][Video][CC] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech) |
Universal Bounds on Distance Conjecture in AdS3/CFT2[Video][CC] |
11:45am |
Sebastian Mizera (IAS) |
String amplitudes: Dotting the i's and curling the epsilons[Slides][Video][CC] |
12:30pm |
2:00pm |
Zohar Komargodski (SCGP) |
Semi Classical Physics at Large Quantum Numbers[Video][CC] |
2:45pm |
Manki Kim (CTP) |
Theoretical challenges in string phenomenology[Video][CC] |
3:30pm |
4:00pm |
Tadashi Takayanagi (YITP) |
Entropic g-theorem and Holography[Slides][Video][CC] |
4:45pm |
Shai Chester (Imperial College) |
Bootstrapping string theory[Slides][Video][CC] |
5:30pm |
6:00pm |
8:00pm |
Thursday, Apr 4, 2024 |
9:00am |
Jonathan Heckman (U Penn) |
Symmetries Approach to Non-Supersymmetric String Backgrounds[Slides][Video][CC] |
9:45am |
Veronika Hubeny (UC Davis) |
The power of marginal independence[Slides][Video][CC] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Micha Berkooz (Weizmann Inst.) |
The double scaled SYK model: Quantum chaos and Non-commutative geometry[Slides][Video][CC] |
11:45am |
Mukund Rangamani (UC Davis) |
Superstring partition functions in AdS3[Slides][Video][CC] |
12:30pm |
2:00pm |
Washington Taylor (MIT) |
Beyond F-theory[Slides][Video][CC] |
2:45pm |
Alejandra Castro (Cambridge) |
The light we can see: Extracting black holes from weak Jacobi forms[Video][CC] |
3:30pm |
4:00pm |
Xi Dong (UCSB) |
Type I von Neumann algebras from bulk path integrals: Understanding RT without AdS/CFT[Slides][Video][CC] |
4:45pm |
Martin Schnabl (IAS) |
Exploring 2D CFT's via String Field Theory[Video][CC] |
5:30pm |
6:00pm |
8:00pm |
Friday, Apr 5, 2024 |
9:00am |
Shu Heng Shao (Stony Brook) |
Non-invertible symmetries for Qubits[Slides][Video] |
9:45am |
Shreya Vardhan (Stanford) |
Hydrodynamic pictures for entanglement growth[Video] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Kasia Budzik (Perimeter Inst.) |
B-model Twisted Holography[Slides][Video][CC] |
11:45am |
Luca Iliesiu (UC Berkeley) |
On the evaporation history of charged black holes[Video][CC] |
12:30pm |
2:00pm |
Ricardo Schiappa (U Lisbon) |
A Resurgence of Negativity in Large N Duality[Slides][Video][CC] |
2:45pm |
Wei Li (ITP-CAS) |
Progress on BPS algebras[Video][CC] |
3:30pm |